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Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a Fort Worth car crash, you're not alone — thousands experience a car collision in Fort Worth every year. A car accident attorney can join your team so you don't have to fight all by yourself. Read how they can help here.
A person hold an umbrella as a car drives past on a rainy day
Main Practice Areas Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer

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When You Need an Experienced Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer Near You

After being involved in a car collision in Fort Worth, don’t wait to seek legal help. Contact a Fort Worth car accident lawyer at DFW Injury Lawyers who can fight for your rights.

At DFW Injury Lawyers, our experienced team of personal injury lawyers is ready to provide skilled guidance and support throughout the entirety of your case. Reach out today for a free consultation and learn how we can fight for the compensation you deserve.

Key Takeaways

  • Car accidents are very common in Fort Worth, with the city ranked 9th in the nation for bad drivers and car accidents.
  • After a Fort Worth car accident you may have the right to pursue compensation for your injuries from the at-fault driver or a third party.
  • An experienced car accident attorney like those at DFW Injury Lawyers can help you navigate the legal system and hold negligent parties accountable.

What To Do After a Car Accident in Fort Worth

In the aftermath of a car accident, it’s vital to act quickly to protect your well-being and legal interests.

Here are the key steps to take following a car accident if you are able:

  1. Check for Serious Injuries and Move To Safety: The first priority after a car accident is ensuring your safety. Check yourself and others for any serious injuries. If possible, move to a safe location away from traffic.
  2. Call the Police: Contact the local authorities and report the accident. An official police report helps provide important documentation for your case and can help determine fault.
  3. Take Pictures and Video of the Scene for Evidence: Document the scene of the accident by taking pictures and videos. Capture the position of the vehicles, any damage, and any relevant road conditions or signage.
  4. Obtain Medical Care, Even If You Feel Fine: Seek medical attention after a car accident, even if you don’t immediately feel injured. Many car accident injuries, such as whiplash or internal injuries, may not be immediately apparent due to the adrenaline rush. Getting medical treatment not only ensures your well-being but also creates a medical record that may support your personal injury claim and potential car accident injury lawsuit.
  5. Request a Free Consultation From Our Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyers: Following a car accident, talk with an experienced car accident lawyer in Fort Worth who can evaluate your case, provide legal guidance, and advocate for you. At DFW Injury Lawyers, our Fort Worth car crash attorneys offer free consultations and work on a contingency basis, so you can pursue justice without worrying about paying upfront cost.
A hand holding a green car

What Compensation Can a Car Accident Lawyer in Fort Worth, Texas Recover For Me?

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident in Fort Worth, Texas you may be able to recoup financial damages related to the crash. An experienced auto wreck lawyer can guide you through the legal process, including pursuing financial payment for the damages and injuries sustained.

Common forms of compensation car accident victims in Fort Worth may pursue include:

Common Causes of Accidents in Fort Worth

Our dedicated car accident lawyers in Fort Worth are skilled in resolving many common car accidents and recovering the maximum compensation possible for our clients.

Some of the most common causes of car accidents in Fort Worth that we handle include:

Driver Error and Negligence:

  • Fatigued Driving: Fatigue impairs a driver’s ability to stay alert and react quickly. This is especially common in truck accidents, where drivers remain on the road for long hours without adequate rest.
  • Driving Under the Influence: Driving while intoxicated is a serious offense that puts everyone at risk. In Fort Worth, 423 DUI crashes were reported in one recent year, with 15 of those collisions resulting in fatalities.
  • Inexperienced Driving: Inexperienced drivers, particularly teenagers who recently obtained their licenses, may not have the skills needed to navigate the roads safely. Lack of experience can result in poor decision making and an increased risk of accidents.
  • Distracted Driving: With the rise of smartphones and other gadgets, distracted driving remains a significant issue. In Tarrant County alone, 6,988 crashes involving distracted driving were reported in one recent year.
  • Violating the Rules of the Road: Failure to follow traffic laws and regulations is a common cause of accidents in Fort Worth. Motorcycle accidents, in particular, are common because drivers do not adequately share the road or keep an eye out for motorcycles, especially at intersections. In a recent year, there were 7,481 motorcycle crashes reported, with 482 fatalities and 1,856 serious injuries.
  • Road Rage and Reckless Driving: Aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating, speeding, or changing lanes without signaling often escalate into road rage incidents and dangerous collisions.
  • Speeding: In one year, speeding contributed to 82 fatalities in 78 fatal crashes in Tarrant County, with a total of 7,697 crashes caused by speeding.
A phone on a dash of a car

Outside Conditions:

  • Poor Weather Conditions and Road Hazards: Adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain, fog, or ice can make the roads treacherous. Additionally, hazards like potholes or debris often contribute to accidents.
  • Poorly Designed Roads and Intersections: Poorly designed streets and intersections may create confusion and increase the risk of accidents.
  • Poorly Maintained Roads: Roads in disrepair, such as those with potholes or inadequate signage, may contribute to accident rates.
A rainy city with driving traffic

Injuries Our Fort Worth Car Accident Attorneys Handle

Car accidents in Fort Worth, TX may cause a variety of injuries, some of which are quite serious.

From whiplash and fractures to soft tissue injuries and traumatic brain injuries, our Fort Worth car accident lawyers help injury victims with the following conditions:

  • Broken Bones
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries, Concussions, and Other Head Injuries
  • Soft Tissue Damage
  • Back Injuries and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Internal Bleeding and Organ Damage
  • Whiplash
  • Loss of Limbs
  • Damage to Eyes
  • Severe Bruises and Deep Cuts
  • Wrongful Death
  • Many other medical conditions
hospital room

Working With a Car Accident Lawyer in Fort Worth: FAQs

Q: What does a Fort Worth car accident lawyer do?

Fort Worth car accident attorneys play a crucial role in helping accident victims seek justice and obtain the financial compensation they deserve from the person or company that caused their losses. Personal injury lawyers investigate the accident, collect evidence and witness statements, and provide valuable resources like recommending local doctors for medical treatment.

Car wreck attorneys use their experience and legal knowledge to prove liability and negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of their clients. If necessary, a qualified Fort Worth car crash lawyer can take your injury lawsuit to trial and battle fiercely on your behalf.

Q: How much does a lawyer cost for a car accident?

For accident victims in Northern Texas seeking legal representation, the cost of hiring a car accident lawyer is a frequent concern. Fortunately, our car crash lawyers work under a contingency fee agreement. That means we don’t charge any upfront fees — our payment is contingent upon successfully resolving your case.

If your case is successful and you receive a payment, your injury lawyer receives a percentage of that award. This payment structure relieves you from the stress of upfront legal costs and lets you focus on your recovery while we take care of the legal complications.

Q: How much is my car accident claim worth?

Keep in mind that the amount of money available in a car accident settlement may differ greatly from case to case. However, choosing a reputable car wreck law firm with a proven track record can increase your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

Here at DFW Injury Lawyers, we have recovered over a half a billion dollars for our clients. We’re proud of our successes and are always hungry for more.

Q: Is it worth getting a lawyer for a car accident?

Yes, in many cases, it is worth partnering with a lawyer after a car accident. A skilled car accident lawyer can provide valuable assistance in navigating the complex legal process and increase your chances of receiving the maximum amount of compensation possible.

Take a look at testimonials from fellow DFW locals to see the significant assistance our personal injury lawyers have already provided.

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Contact the Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyers at DFW Injury Lawyers Today

After a serious car crash, receiving proper medical care, missing time from work, and facing a growing pile of bills can be overwhelming. While you focus on your physical and emotional recovery, trust the car accident lawyers in our Fort Worth offices to protect your legal rights and pursue the compensation you need to pay for your accident-related losses.

Don’t wait to learn more about how our compassionate legal team can help during this difficult time. Call us at 817-646-2527 or complete our online contact form for a free consultation today!

Fort Worth Office Location

4200 South Fwy Suite 2335,
Fort Worth, TX 76115

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