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Reckless Driver Hit Me! Insurance Blamed ME (Got $140,000 with DFW Injury Lawyers!)

Motor vehicle accidents can cause serious harm to people, oftentimes requiring expensive and complicated medical procedures. On top of this is the burden of dealing with insurance companies that either delay payment or refuse to pay altogether. If this situation sounds familiar to you, contact our personal injury attorneys Kevin Edwards and Peter de la Cerda. We have successfully handled thousands of similar cases, including one where the client’s insurer blamed her for the crash and refused to pay anything; however, with our help, our client ended up with a well-deserved $140,000 in compensation.


Testimonial: I was hit and seriously injured by a reckless driver. The insurance company blamed me for the crash and offered me nothing. So I hired DFW Injury Lawyers and they got me over $140,000. 


Pedro de la Cerda: If you’ve been injured and strung along by an insurance company, don’t hire a lawyer who will do the same. 


Kevin Edwards: Call DFW Injury Lawyers today.

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