Main Media Gallery Insurance Offered $2500 After Car Accident? I Got $105,000 with DFW Injury Lawyers! (Client Story)
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Insurance Offered $2500 After Car Accident? I Got $105,000 with DFW Injury Lawyers! (Client Story)

Many people are forced to accept low settlement amounts by insurance companies after a motor vehicle accident. Our client, for instance, was offered a lowball settlement amount of $2,500 to “go away”. Instead of accepting the offer, we helped her obtain a settlement amount of $105,000. If you are suffering from the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident and do not know who to turn to, contact DFW Injury Lawyers for help.


Testimonial: After I was injured by another driver, the insurance company tried to force me to take $2,500 to go away. So I hired DFW Injury Lawyers. They helped me with medical treatments and got me $105,000. Twenty times more. 


Pedro de la Cerda: If you’ve been injured and strung along by an insurance company, don’t hire a lawyer who will do the same. 


Kevin Edwards: Call DFW Injury Lawyers today.

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