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Texas Construction Attorneys

Protect your construction business with expert legal representation from Texas Construction Attorneys. Our skilled team specializes in handling disputes, contracts, and compliance issues, ensuring your projects stay on track. Contact us today for a consultation!
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national-top-100-trial-lawyersHandling construction accident cases in Texas can be complicated due to the various regulations, laws, and unique circumstances involved in the construction industry. As a result, it’s in your best interest to seek the assistance of experienced Texas construction attorneys who have a deep understanding of state and federal laws and can navigate through the complexities of these cases. If you are facing any legal issues related to injuries sustained in a construction accident, contact DFW Injury Lawyers today for sound legal guidance and representation.

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Texas Construction Accident Guide

Key Takeaways

Why Choose DFW Injury Lawyers for Your Texas Construction Claim


When it comes to construction accidents and injuries, DFW Injury Lawyers is the firm you can trust to fight for your rights. We have a proven track record of success, with over half a billion dollars recovered for injured clients.


Our team of Texas-bred, nationally recognized attorneys work tirelessly to pursue just outcomes for our clients. We don’t take “no” for an answer and will stop at nothing to secure the justice you deserve.



At DFW Injury Lawyers, you don’t just get a law firm; you get trusted advisors who will proactively handle your Texas construction accident case. We pride ourselves on preparing for each case as if it is going to trial, ensuring that we are fully equipped to fight for your rights.


As Super Lawyers since 2018, recipients of the Best Lawyers in Dallas award, and members of prestigious organizations such as The National Academy of Personal Injury Attorneys and The National Trial Lawyers, we have the knowledge and experience to handle even the most complex construction accident cases.

What Are Construction Injuries?

million-dollarConstruction sites are inherently dangerous, and accidents can occur despite proper safety measures. Construction injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe, life-altering injuries.

Some common types of construction accidents that result in injuries include:

  • Falls from heights
  • Electrocutions
  • Struck by objects
  • Caught in between objects or machinery
  • Equipment malfunctions
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Repetitive strain injuries

Construction injuries cause physical pain and suffering and can also result in financial hardship due to medical bills, lost income, and long-term rehabilitation costs. That’s why it is important to seek compensation for your injuries with the help of our dedicated construction attorneys.

Types of Construction Accident Injuries

Construction accidents can result in various injuries, from minor to catastrophic. 

Here are some common types of construction accident injuries:

  • Head and Brain Injuries: These injuries can occur from falls, being struck by falling objects, or contact with equipment or machinery. They can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries, which may have long-lasting effects on cognitive function and overall quality of life.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Construction accidents can lead to severe spinal cord injuries, resulting in paralysis and loss of sensation and function below the injury site. These injuries often require lifelong medical care, rehabilitation, and modifications to the living environment.
  • Broken Bones: Construction accidents often involve falls, heavy equipment, or collapsing structures, which can result in broken bones. Fractures can be simple or compound, requiring surgeries, casts, and physical therapy for proper healing.
  • Burns and Electrical Injuries: Workers can be exposed to hot surfaces, open flames, or electrical hazards in construction sites, leading to burn injuries. Electrical injuries can cause internal damage, muscle contractions, and even cardiac arrest.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Construction accidents can cause injuries to muscles, ligaments, and tendons. These injuries can result from overexertion, repetitive motions, or sudden trauma, like slips, trips, or falls.
  • Respiratory Problems: Construction sites often have exposure to dust, chemicals, and pollutants, leading to respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, or occupational lung diseases.

If you suffered any of these injuries or others, it’s in your best interest to consult with a skilled Texas construction accident attorney from our firm who can assess the specifics of your case and determine the appropriate course of action to pursue compensation for your construction accident injuries.

What are Your Construction Accident Injuries Worth?

Determining the worth of your construction accident injuries involves several factors. Here are some key elements that play a role in calculating compensation:

  • Severity of Injury: The extent and severity of your injuries will significantly impact the compensation you may receive. More severe injuries that result in long-term disability or chronic pain will generally lead to higher settlements.
  • Applicable Insurance Policies: Construction companies may have different insurance policies that can cover medical expenses, lost income, and other damages resulting from a construction accident. Your construction accident attorney will evaluate these policies to determine the maximum available compensation.
  • The Experience of the Lawyer You Hire: Choosing a Texas construction accident attorney with experience in construction accident cases and a proven track record of success is crucial. Our Texas construction accident lawyers have the skills and knowledge to negotiate with insurance companies and build a strong case on your behalf.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases where the misconduct or negligence of a construction company or a third party is proven, punitive damages may be awarded. These damages aim to punish the responsible party and deter similar actions in the future. When you hire our firm, we will fight for the maximum compensation available, including punitive damages if applicable.

Each construction accident case is unique, and compensation can vary based on the specific circumstances and the evidence presented. Consulting with a construction accident lawyer at our firm can help you better understand the potential worth of your injuries.

Where Do Construction Accident Injuries Occur in Texas

The-National-Academy-of-Personal-Injury-AttorneysConstruction accident injuries can occur in various locations across Texas. Some common sites where construction accidents are more likely to happen include:

  • Road Construction Sites: With ongoing infrastructure development in Texas, road construction sites are frequent, and accidents can occur due to uneven surfaces, heavy traffic, and poorly marked construction zones.
  • Residential Construction Sites: Home construction sites can pose various hazards, such as scaffolding collapses, falls, and electrical accidents.
  • Commercial Construction Sites: Larger construction projects, such as office buildings, shopping centers, and hotels, involve heavy machinery, complicated equipment, and hazardous materials, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Industrial Construction Sites: Industrial plants and factories often have ongoing construction and maintenance work, which presents safety risks due to heavy machinery, chemical exposure, and potential explosions.

It’s important to note that construction accidents can happen anywhere construction work is taking place. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a construction accident, speak with one of our reputable Texas construction attorneys who can evaluate your case and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Fighting the Insurance Company After Suffering a Construction Accident

After a construction accident, you may find yourself in a battle with the insurance company to obtain fair compensation for your injuries. Insurance companies are primarily concerned with their bottom line and may try to reduce or deny your claim.

It’s important to be aware of common tactics used by insurance companies and how to protect your rights. Some common tactics include:

  • Denying or Delaying Claims: Insurance companies may try to deny or delay your claim in the hopes that you will give up or accept a lower settlement. Therefore, you need legal representation to keep the ball rolling and push for a prompt and fair resolution.
  • Downplaying Injuries: Insurance adjusters may attempt to downplay the severity of your injuries or argue that they were pre-existing. Proper documentation and the support of an experienced Texas construction accident lawyer can help counter these tactics.
  • Pressure to Settle Quickly: Insurance companies may pressure you to settle quickly, often offering a low settlement amount. They hope to get you to settle for much less than your case is worth before you speak to one of our Texas construction attorneys and realize how much it’s worth. Be sure to consult with one of our construction attorneys as soon as possible. They can assess the true value of your case and negotiate on your behalf.
  • Requesting Medical Records or Statements: Insurance companies may request access to your medical records or ask for recorded statements. It’s imperative to consult with an attorney before providing any information to the insurance company. They only need a limited amount of information in your medical records. If you grant them access to too much, they may use it against you to devalue or deny your claim.

Remember, the insurance company’s primary goal is to minimize liability and pay as little as possible. Having a skilled construction attorney from our firm by your side can help you deal with the insurance company and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your construction accident injuries.

What to Do After Suffering a Construction Accident Injury

Being involved in a construction accident can be a traumatic experience. However, there are specific steps you can take to protect your legal rights and strengthen your personal injury claim. Here’s what to do after suffering a construction accident injury:

Attend Recommended Medical Appointments

Your health and well-being should be your top priority. You should first seek immediate medical attention after the accident, even if you don’t feel like you suffered an injury or if your injuries are significant enough to warrant medical attention. Then, be sure to attend all scheduled doctor appointments, follow your treatment plan, and communicate any changes or concerns to your healthcare provider. These actions help connect your injuries to the construction accident and show that you take your claim seriously.

Follow the Instructions of Your Medical Providers

Your doctor may provide work restrictions, such as limited lifting or time off work, how much weight you can lift, or other activities, depending on the severity of your injuries. Adhere to these instructions to prevent further damage and ensure a smooth recovery.

Preserve Evidence

Collect and preserve any evidence related to your construction accident. It includes photographs of the accident scene, if there are any available, your injuries, and any equipment or property damage. Additionally, write down a detailed account of what happened, including the date, time, location, and names of individuals involved or who witnessed the accident.

Get a Copy of Any Police or Incident Reports

If law enforcement or on-site management were involved, request a copy of the police report or incident report. These reports may contain important details about the accident, such as witness statements or the presence of safety violations. Your attorney can use these to support your case.

Keep Detailed Records

Maintain a detailed record of all medical treatments, including doctor visits, prescribed medications, therapy sessions, and out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, keep track of any missed workdays and the impact of the injuries on your daily life. These records will serve as valuable evidence when seeking compensation for your injuries. You may also want to keep a journal documenting your pain, the ways your life has changed, and the things you have had to miss out on due to your injuries.

Consult an Attorney at DFW Injury Lawyers

Americal-top-100-Personal-Injury-AttorneysConsulting with our well-versed Texas construction attorneys is essential to protect your legal rights and manage the details of your construction accident claim. They will gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Injured in a Construction Accident? Contact DFW Injury Lawyers Today

At DFW Injury Lawyers, you don’t just get a law firm; you get trusted advisors who will proactively handle your Texas construction accident case. With a track record of success and a dedication to pursuing just outcomes, we go above and beyond to ensure our clients receive the compensation they are entitled to.

If you or a loved one has suffered a construction accident injury in Texas, don’t hesitate to contact DFW Injury Lawyers for skilled legal guidance and representation.
Our team of dedicated construction attorneys has the experience and knowledge to represent injured clients in construction accident cases successfully. We will tirelessly fight for your rights and work towards securing the justice and compensation you deserve.

Call DFW Injury Lawyers today at (972) 440-2320 to schedule a consultation. Don’t face the insurance company alone – let us bring in the muscle and fight for you.

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